We didn't want to burn our spies right away, so the only evidence we provided at this point was the recruitment thread (linked above). We had an obvious choice for our next project: drive 4chan out of Syndicate, and maybe the game! We told their alliance (HE) and blues (ARES/KTF) that R34 are "extremely bad people" and that they need to kick R34 out or we'd be enforcing economic sanctions. Now we like to blow up just about anybody, but we REALLY like blowing up racists and the like. We put spies in their corp, got discord access, and immediately found some wild stuff - see the dump on imgur linked above. A glance at 4chan's /vmg/ showed us that R34 is indeed the 'official' 4chan corp, complete with recruitment thread (archive.is link). We blew them up a couple times at gatecamps and got some bizarre/hostile responses in local, so we looked around to see if there really was an openly channer corp living right next to us. Shortly after moving in we noticed that one of our new neighbors was " Yotsuba Salt Mining Inc.", a reforming of the now-dead. We've been living in Syndicate for a while. Here's a list of their members, taken shortly after their collapse (in case they try to change their names and 'escape to Argentina', so to speak) Here's a dump of some of the "extreme" things R34 players have said ingame and in their Discord. HONK exposed them to their allies (KTF and HE), and together we drove them out of Syndicate.