
Magna graecia peloponnesian war
Magna graecia peloponnesian war

magna graecia peloponnesian war

Yet this comes from an estimate by Strabo for Taras' maximum strength in the mid-4th century B.C.

magna graecia peloponnesian war

Second, Fields cites a Tarantine aristocratic horse militia of 1,000 riders in the mid-5th century B.C. Indeed, tactical data cited elsewhere by Fields in this very volume also contradict Fuller's theories. These originated as a way for Fuller to cite historical roots for his equally faulty theories on armored warfare (a great discussion of whose shortcomings can be found in ASIN:0060009772 The Blitzkrieg Myth: How Hitler and the Allies Misread the Strategic Realities of World War II). 51) appears to derive (perhaps indirectly) from oft repeated but badly flawed concepts of J.F.C. My quibbles on the content are as follows: First, the brief discussion of Macedonian cavalry battle included (p. All the same, there are more than enough fresh insights and new material here to make this a worthy supplement to those much longer works. Also, due to its brevity, this effort is not an adequate replacement for more comprehensive studies like those of Spence, Worley, or Gaebel. It should be noted that there is a notable lack of reference material (both writeen and pictorial) on Tarantine horsemen themselves, thus the bulk of the discussion here is actually applicable to most Grecian riders of the Hellenic and Hellentistic periods. This is a slim but very informative volume on ancient Greek horsemen with special reference to the cavalry of Taras in southern Italy.

Magna graecia peloponnesian war